Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tennessee Lanscape

Not long after spring appears, the grass grows fast and the farmers in the area cut it and harvest their hay. These pictures show what much of the landscape looks like at this time.

We went to see the Hulk so why not take some pictures with him after. He was nicer than we expected. He told us that his theorpist had helped him work through alot of hi anger issues, than stemed from his childhood. "Go figure"

Summer Hair Cuts

Isaac & Josh got summer Mohawks, Olivia followed suit with a stylish cut of her own!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Olivia has our pekinese pearl, Isaac has his ferret Bart, and Josh has our pekinese teddy.

All the kids get to take turns feeding Trevor. Here Josh gets his turn
Here is my first tattoo. It is a verse in the bible, in 1 Corinthians 3: 13-15. "Each man's work will become evident: for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. 14 If any man's work which he has built upon it remains, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet as through fire." The skull is the symbol of death. The fire is the judgement of god that will test your works to see if you did them for him or you own selfish motives and the crown symbolizes your reward. Even though you are saved God will judge the motives of your heart. (1 cor. 4; 4-5) Are building up for yourselves treasures on earth or in heaven?
Josh graduated from Kinder garden. Here he is with his teacher Mrs Kitchen.
He was sick for this ceremony, and threw up in the hall as he left the stage. Thank God for his timing, he would have been embarrassed if he did it on stage.
3 weeks old in mama's arms

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

2007 Camps

They won 17-6 to take 1st place. Olivia had a Homerun, triple, and a single with 5 RBI's. You can see her in the front row on the far right.

Here she is after she hit her triple.

Softball championship game

Olivia playing 3rd base

This was her 1st at bat and she got an inside the park HOMERUN scoring 3 runs to put us ahead. You can see the ball going down the 3rd base line.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

continuation of 2007 baseball pics

Braves 2007 pictures, Joshua was the best player on the team leading the team in the field and at bat. He is 1st on the left, on the bottom row.

Joshua played most positions, but they primarily had him at shortstop and 3rd base, cuz he has a strong arm.
Isaac at pitcher, in this league they have a machine pitch.

baseball photo's 2007

Isaac's team is in 2nd place and his batting average is 678. Their playoffs start june 5th. He is the 1st one on the bottom left.
Yankees 2007
Olivia's team finished in 1st place and is undefeated in the playoffs, they have one more game to win to be champs. Oliva is 2nd from the left on the bottom row.

Stingers 2007